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Trump's America: Surviving a Powerful Abuser
Posted: Jan. 23, 2017, 8:16 p.m.
In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the internet has seen a flurry of words. Pages upon pages of journalism, reactions, calls to action, and detailed analyses of exactly how awful and authoritarian Donald Trump will be, all of it...
Eminent Domain
Posted: March 25, 2009, 7:58 p.m.
[ Click for Article ] Once again, Harrisonburg utterly fails at city planning. This is getting really old. In an effort to turn every square foot of undeveloped land into high-density townhouses/apartments, the city let a developer pretty much go...
Smoking Ban, Virginia Style
Posted: Feb. 23, 2009, 9:33 p.m.
I always thought that Virginia would be one of the last states in the US to get a state-wide ban on smoking in restaurants/public places. This is one of the most tobacco-friendly states (that produces a huge amount of it), where several big tobacco...