Broken Glass

Posted: April 29, 2012 14:32:35 • By Meadow Whisper (Natasha L.)View Description
Broken Glass

Shattered security glass is kinda fascinating to look at.

Urban exploration (UrbEx) isn't something I typically do a lot of, but a close friend invited me to come along with him once, and I decided to give it a try. It was definitely an interesting and exciting experience, and made for some fantastic photo opportunities. Not sure if this is something I'd do often, but it was fun and unique!

The location is an abandoned hospital in rural Pennsylvania, which has only been vacant a few years, but the damage inflicted by vandals, vagrants, and scrappers has taken a considerable toll on building's integrity. Combined with fire and weather damage, it looks like it's been abandoned for decades, rather than years, and it's undeniably spooky inside.